The Dorset Green Living Project
The Dorset Green Living Project is looking for people, in communities, to come together to explore simple and effective ways in which they can reduce their impact on the planet and potentially reduce their outgoings. The aim is for groups to meet every 4-6 weeks to share ideas for doing this.
Different topics would be explored at each get together. For example: how to spend less on energy or how to eat better for less money.
If you are interested in getting involved, please contact Deborah Childs at or
Liz Southern at
More information is available on
Welcome to The Green Living Project – Dorset Green Living Project
The first meeting of the Corscombe and Halstock Parish Green Living project took place on 1st September chaired by Deborah Childs, with guest speaker Gillian Perrott from the Beaminster Green Living group who provided usual advice on how to get started.
The purpose of the project is to explore ways to live more simply so that our impact on the planet can be reduced with a potential benefit of a reduction in outgoings for households .Future meetings, which take place in group members’ homes, have been planned and each member will lead on one of the prescribed topics for example: Spend Less, eat better: Spend less on energy and Community building
Further details on the project can be found at
If anyone is interested in setting up a second group in their community please contact Liz Southern at or Deborah Childs at